The art of failure (for an artist)

The art of failure (for an artist)

Today I want to talk to you about a very personal issue but I think that discussing it can help you not feel so lonely: failure and loss. Magaly Arocha figurative painter in her studio in Bologna Italy Acceptance We live in a...
How to photograph your art?

How to photograph your art?

Make your art inmortal for ever: accidents can happen to your artworks, so having a good photographic documentation of your pieces is paramount. In this article, I will reveal some guidelines based on my experience and research that will help you...
Because painting is good for me!

Because painting is good for me!

Some time ago I read a very interesting article by Simona Torelli (La RagionCritica) on the art of being happy. The author mentions the Universal College of London research (published in the British Medical Journal in December 2019) according to which...
How to clean brushes: my tips

How to clean brushes: my tips

“So then my brush goes between my fingers as if it were a bow on the violin, and absolutely for my pleasure!” Vincent Van Gogh   Today I want to share with you some tips on how to keep your beloved brushes healthy. It may seem trivial to you, but to...