Io ballo da solo


“Io Ballo da solo” (2020). Oil on canvas (spatula technique). 40×50



“While time is the dimension of music and poetry, painting and architecture exist in space. But dance lives simultaneously in time and space. Before entrusting his emotions to stone, to sound, man uses his body to organize the space and pace the time”. Curt Sachs


The study of the figure fascinates me, the bodies of the dancers conquer me and I feel the overwhelming desire to represent them through my eye, as soon as I see an image that excites me! That’s how this work was born.

The discipline, the effort, together with the talent make the dancers sculptures par excellence: tonic, muscular bodies, but at the same time flexible and harmonious, in short, irresistible…

The background this time is simple but dynamic: the use of the spatula allows me to give even more strength to colours and material: everything moves!

Picture that inspired me by @rickguest